Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Are you or do you know someone that is a sell out?"

I know this is a sensitive topic, especially for people who are afraid to look at themselves in the mirror.
It is always hard to take criticism, especially from other people.
I have chosen this topic because I've seen so many people lose sight of who they are.
Its unfortunate to be afraid to be who you are and to transform into who others think you should be.
People are in your life for a reason and if your personality or lifestyle doesn't coincide with theirs then just maybe they are not meant to be in your life..,at this time.  People should always accept you for who you are. Always Maintain your integrity and Self Respect. Do not allow others to transform you into a caricature of your former self.  Be who GOD has intended you to be. Refuse to put on or perform for acceptance. You are enough!  Tell me your stories., it's not to late to take off the Mask.


  1. I am detrmined to stay the CHRISTIAN woman that God intends for me to be! I do not change for anyone! Being a Christian, I disagree with same sex marriage and do not and will not change my stance on it even though some members of my family are homosexual! This to me is being real! Being real is being YOU NO MATTER WHAT! Love you Lisa!:)

  2. Thanks for the reminder, found this just at the right time :)

  3. Hi Lisa, I truly believe that a some point your true self emerges, especially when you no longer crave the approval of others. The only approval that is required is yours and the lord above. To me people live their lives by what othes are saying and doing. have come to realize that life makes you who u are, your decisions make you who you are and if the people around you dont like what you ave chosen to do well then you have to change the people around you. "You are the company, you keep!" Miss you on the show, but your better w/o it. Love you Lisa keep it real!

  4. Hi Lisa. More people need to know that who they are is exactly who they need to be. God makes no mistakes and we have to trust where and who he send us. Thank you for this post and I hope you are blessed and highly favored in everything you pursue!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I meet too many people that do exactly what they darn well please, especially in today's society. It is okay to be yourself but not at the expense of others. Be true to oneself but also remain considerate and respectful while sporting who you are. Being yourself is a beautiful thing when expressed with class. You don't have to be boring to have class.
